Shipping & Returns
Shipping Information
Riccar ships within the USA excluding the regions: Alaska, Hawaii, Armed Forces Africa, Armed Forces Canada, Armed Forces Europe, Armed Forces Middle East, Armed Forces Pacific, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands.
Orders up to $98.99 will be charged $9.99 for shipping. Orders $99 and over ship free.
Orders typically arrive wtihin 5-7 business days (Mon - Fri).
Return Information
You can return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund, as noted below. All returns should be shipped in their original packaging.
To initiate a return, contact the Riccar dealer that fulfilled your order. The dealer's info will be on the packing slip, and you also would have received an email from Quivers with their information. You can also reach out to us here. Returns can be initiated after the an order has been marked as shipped. The refund will be for the full value of the returned items, unless otherwise noted.
Shipping and handling fees will not be refunded.
As long as the product is received in good order, credit for returned items will be applied to the credit method that was used to make the purchase. Returns will be applied to the purchasing credit card within 10 days of the date that the return was accepted by the fulfiller. If a restocking fee will apply to returned items, the amount of the fee is displayed on the final checkout screen when you complete the order and is noted on the packing list included with the order. In such cases as defective products, incorrect order, or inaccurate product descriptions, you may be compensated for the return shipping.
We suggest careful packaging and postal insurance to cover any potential damage during shipping back to the dealer.